The Net square is where it's at.
Two hims and two hers, in their own little world.
To learn what went on, your hair would curl.
I spoke with Dragon first, it's true.
He left the net, I talked with you.
You loved me "most", I was your delight.
"What if's" began, and then there was Bright.
Bright had her problems, divorce was in store.
You went with her. Me? Alone, hurt to the core.
I started searching, my spirits lagging.
After three months gone, enter the Dragon.
Dragon was disappointed, he knew about you.
But he took the chance. Yes, it's so true.
We decided to meet nineteen days hence.
Reservations made, began the suspence.
You wanted me back, Bright hadnt suited.
This is where it becomes convoluted.
I was more cautious this time around.
I Wanted my heart to stay safe & sound.
you wanted real feelings, love plus the hots.
You said, from Bright, you had got lots.
You had real times with Bright, you told me.
I thought, "that's how it is? I see."
You were searching, trying "what if's".
I went to Dragon's. I thought, "no diff."
Both of us leaving no stone unturned.
The future result, all would get burned.
I was stupid, after Dragon & I met.
I checked out his mIRC. (I got on the Net)
Bright saw his address (with my name on)
She went to you, memo'd her poison.
You cried, were so hurt, you felt betrayed.
You could not forget, but yes, forgave.
In real time, Dragon. On the Net, you.
Attracted to both. Oh, What to do?
Dragon is kind, honorable and sweet.
More than I expected when we did meet.
Still, I thought, "Caution! Hold on a bit.
I haven't met you, just yet."
Maybe we won't meet after today.
Maybe you cant't accept what I say.
We haven't met, I don't know your life.
I knew you were sensitive, kind, and was
Good to your wife.
I Never knew when, where you would be.
Eight hours difference, is alot on the net, you see.
Can love stand up to it, or will it fall?
Much has been said, broken promises all.
There may be no spark, if/when we meet.
The risk is there, when we greet.
If the spark exists, how to proceed?
If it's absent, how to retreat?
The Dragon is patient, waiting for me.
Will he still be, after he knows of thee?
So, tell me both, what do you think?
Still talk with me? Or throw me in the drink?
Penman's plume is silent, Dragon's wings clipped.
To solve the problem, I'm just not equipped.
No committments to make until we meet.
If neither will talk, I admit defeat.
For when i commit, (I mean in real time)
I will not waver, with "him" life's sublime.
Nov.20, 1996